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Lion Breath in Lotus Pose

Super fun and great for the knees, hips and spine as we are really sitting on chairs way too much. Kids just love this one!

The kids have been learning why we breath from our nose 👃 instead of our mouth 👄 and why this helps us concentrate, sleep better, avoid cavities, 🦷 avoid getting sick and snoring. When we breathe from the nose, the nitric oxide in our nose filters the air before it goes into our lungs and then heart. Thats why after the air is filtered we have boogers. What a kick the kids get during the kids yoga class and breathing exercises when I say the word booger. I do remind them that the best place to pick our nose is in the shower and not in public. Wash those hands after please!

Along with lion breath we have been doing so many other types of breathing so that we understand how to breathe slow long and deep breaths always from the nose. For more check out @kidsyogabymenka on instagram.

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